Jan 16, 2010

Advertising Online For Free - 10 Things They Don't Want You To Know

So your looking to advertise online for free? Here are 10 things that your competitors would kill to keep from you! Select the methods you think will work well in your business and implement them and watch the traffic flow.

1. Social Bookmarking
These sites can get you a load of traffic as well as links to your site that will help with your “Search Engine Optimization” (getting into the search engines) You can find a list of the top 20 social bookmarking sites below:

* twitter
* digg.com
* Yahoo! Buzz
* tweetmeme.com
* StumbleUpon.com
* reddit.com
* Technorati.com
* del.icio.us
* kaboodle.com
* mixx.com
* Propeller.com
* newsvine.com
* Fark.com
* Slashdot.org
* twine.com
* clipmarks.com
* dzone.com
* faves.com
* blinklist.com
* diigo.com

2. Squidoo
This is a good site that you can can submit content to. It was made by “Seth Godin” author of 20 books about internet marketing, the most famous are his “Unleashing the Ideavirus” and “Permission marketing”.

This site will allow you to setup a page that is called a lens. You are allowed to freely promote your own products or other peoples from this page. These pages rank well in the search engines so you can get a lot of free traffic if you do some keyword research before hand.

3. Hub Pages
This is similar to Squidoo and has the same features except instead of lens you are creating pages called “Hubs” and the site creator is obviously a different person, these pages also rank very well in the search engines.

4. Wet Paint
This is the same concept as Squidoo and Hub Pages, but has a lot of features that these two websites don't. It also ranks well in search engines and is worth syndicating your content to.

5. Forum Marketing
This is often an overlooked method but can be very effective at getting traffic, as long as you have something useful to share or join in the conversation and add value people will be curious to check out your forum signature that will contain your tag line and website link for more information about what it is you do.

6. Article Directories
This is a great method for getting exposure, there are literally hundreds of article directories out there 3 of the biggest ones are ezinearticles.com, goarticles.com and articlebase.com.

Benefits of submitting articles to these directories?

Ezine Publishers

People who publish online newsletters will browse these sites looking for articles they can publish in their newsletter if your article is good enough and this happens then you get get hundreds if not thousands of visits in one day. This is the holy grail of article marketing, this is what everyone is trying to make happen.

Web Masters

people who have websites and Blogs will also look for articles they can publish on their website, you get two benefits here not only do you get traffic from their website, but you can get back links to your website that will help with your search engine optimization.

Search Engine Traffic

These article sites rank well in the search engines so if it is targeted at the correct keywords you can get a tun of free traffic to your article and eventually your website.

On Site Traffic

You will also get a decent amount of traffic internally from the site search, this is traffic that you would never be able to get unless you had the article on their site.

Pre Sold Prospects

The other major benefit with article marketing is that if you have done your job in providing valuable content then the people that click though your links at the bottom will convert much higher than other traffic you may get from other sources.

7. Classified Ad Sites
Following the success of the biggest free classified ad site “Craigslist” which has 20 million visitors every month hundreds of other smaller ones are opening up everywhere. These sites allow you to post free classified ads and have people searching and browsing them looking for stuff. The second biggest in the USA is Backpage the biggest in the UK is called Gumtree. Its worth looking into.

8. YouTube
Video marketing is a good way of getting prospects to your website, have an article? A “how to” guide you could make that is complementary to what your offering on your website? Why not make a video and post it to Youtube and get some traffic. You can also submit it to loads of other high traffic video sites. If you want 35 of the top sites to to submit to, I have a concise list on day 3 of my free 5 day e-course. You will find more information on how to get this e-course at the end of this article.

9. WikiHow
This site is starting to get a lot of traction in terms of traffic and is ranking well in the search results. It is basically a site that allows people to submit “How To” tutorials and can be used to get a load of free traffic for your business.

10. Free Press Release Sites
This can be a good way to get your story out, journalists that write for magazines, newspapers and even TV channels look for press releases that they can use for a story. If yours gets chosen then you can get a lot of free publicity, two you can have look into are:

* PR Leap
* PR Blog

Author: Ben Harbour