Jan 16, 2010

reason why search engine optimization is similar to social media optimization

Seospidy is most affordable seo company from India offering best seo services, from expert group of search engine optimizers. we offer economical ,packages including search engine optimization, social media optimization, pay per click management, multilingual seo, article writing, directory submission, email marketing, link building etc. SEO Spidy provides you comprehensive and customized, Ethical SEO methodology and web promotion which covers the ultimate goal of generating matching prospects to your website. This is what we do for our clients and results in generating leads and queries for your business.

SEO Spidy offers the lowest possible SEO price with top quality results. Whether you are the owner of a small static web site or manage a huge dynamic web site, we have exclusive SEO packages to suit your web site and well within your budget. Three reasons why search engine optimization and social media optimization are similar: 1. Users tell you what’s wrong and you can respond Your users are the most valuable resource you have. Not only do they give you their personal information, hard earned cash and/or attention, they give you feedback on how you can serve them better. In social media this comes in a push/pull fashion, allowing you to alert users about your own actions, as well as respond directly to their immediate concerns. The same happens with search engine optimization, except that it occurs naturally as users interact with your website. Their actions reveal flaws in your offers, messaging and design and you can use that information to build a better experience and new tests. 2. Time sensitive You wouldn’t blog or tweet the same thing every day, so why would you keep your website static? Optimization allows your website to be responsive to your user’s current needs. Anything from a change in opinion to seasonality effects to new website marketing campaigns can cause a need to adjust your website. While some items don’t need to be changed for long periods, you should constantly question whether what you are using is also what’s best. 3. It is a competitive advantage Social media optimization has caught on, however few companies are using it to its full potential. search engine Optimization is in a similar boat but it’s even earlier it its life. How many social media experts can you name versus optimization experts? Starting an search engine optimization program now means you’ll be that much further ahead once testing becomes mainstream. In summary, search engine optimization is rapidly becoming a basic part of the internet marketing landscape. With this new technology come more opportunities to win new customers and retain current ones. However, making the most out of it will be what separates the winners from the losers. Search engine Optimization is a long term commitment, just like social media optimization, so keep tweeting but don’t forget to keep testing too.

About the Author:
At SEO Spidy our expert team in Multilingual Search Engine Optimization can promote your website in a large number of different languages within our globe. Multilingual SEO is one way of gaining worldwide recognition for your site. SEO Spidy estimate that 63% of the world population is non-English Speaking. SEO Spidy have the ability to perform this service for those who want to Promote their site globally, our multilingual search engine optimization offer huge opportunities to bring the right traffic and business to your website.